The Week in Housing: Up, 99, Up, Nothing, Boom.

5FF Feb 23 2024 Rightmove’s “Asking Price” Index Up: Hunt mulling 99% taxpayer-guaranteed mortgage lending Lenders Raise Rates Bank of England nothing burger makes big headlines BestAgent “People’s” open source House Price Index targets overvaluing culprits and beats hackers

The Week It All Changed.

5 Fact Friday – 16 Feb 2024 ONS December House Price Index continues to be confuseless. January Inflation Unchanged Again at 4.2%: GDP – We’re officially in Recession: GDP Per Capita – We’ve been in recession for 2 years already:,Source%3A%20GDP%20first%20quarterly%20estimate%20from%20the%20Office%20for%20National%20Statistics,-Notes Commercial Property Debt Time-bomb close to detonating: Bonus fact, for… Continue reading The Week It All Changed.

What hope for housing?

The highly-deserved undoing of the Conservatives won’t be Labour. It will be their own shambolic incompetence. A government can only function well if the team running it actually behaves like a team, not like a bunch of posturing glory-seekers. There is a time for individual jostling in politics, a bit like transfer season. Maybe for… Continue reading What hope for housing?

Festive Final Five Fact Friday of 2023

5FF 1 Dec 2023 Fact 1: Bank of England October Mortgage approvals up. (They couldn’t have got much lower). Zoopla Nov HPI. – 6 year supply high. £18,000 average discounts from asking price. Used car market crashing 4.2% in one month Government botches leasehold reform legislation. New legislation for property listings announced … Continue reading Festive Final Five Fact Friday of 2023

2024 will bring about the end of estate agency as we know it, in a good way.

There’s one thing that’s not in dispute: A fall in transaction volumes is bad for everyone who needs or wants to move house. It’s also bad for the multi-layered industry that makes it’s living from these transactions. A painful but cathartic rebirth of the moving industry is underway. Whatever happens to house prices as 2024… Continue reading 2024 will bring about the end of estate agency as we know it, in a good way.

5 Fact Friday 10 Nov 2023 Mortgage Arrears jump 7% in Q3 2023

Halifax confirms it expects house prices to continue falling until 2025, despite the one month rise in it’s average house price index RICS survey for October shows buyer demand and sales activity in ‘deeply negative territory’ MHWC provides mathematical proof that house prices go down when the ‘average’ price goes up RICS… Continue reading 5 Fact Friday 10 Nov 2023 Mortgage Arrears jump 7% in Q3 2023

“The Discrepancy” in house prices is a fact.

It’s significance is a matter of opinion, open to debate. By Charlie Lamdin The existence of a discrepancy between the Land Registry’s House Price Index figures, and the raw (unweighted, unmanipulated) median figures is a verifiable fact illustrated nicely by @alexgroundwater ‘s graph. You can check the raw data for yourself here: The discrepancy… Continue reading “The Discrepancy” in house prices is a fact.

House Price Fall Cover-Up?

House Prices are falling faster than reported

There are lies, damned lies, and the Office for National Statistics. In the latest release, the ONS reported annual house prices to August 2023 actually ROSE 0.2%. But the data in the image, taken from raw Land Registry data, shows annual average house price falls of -12.6%. Is there a cover up? Average House… Continue reading House Price Fall Cover-Up?

The UK’s House Price Correction has only just begun.

The house price “correction” if you want to call it that, is only just getting started. The “corrections” being applied will include correcting for: 1. 12+ years of artificially low interest rates 2. The effects of £1trn of QE now being reversed 3. The unwinding of the effects of Help to Buy on wider house… Continue reading The UK’s House Price Correction has only just begun.