UK Political Parties Ranked on Housing Priority.

Political Parties Website 2024 Housing Manifestos – I have not compared policies, I’ve just looked at how much care and attention has been given by each party to the topic of housing. First Place: Lib Dem Housing Policy (last updated Sept 2023) Second Place: Worker Party Manifesto contains the word ‘housing’ 19 times.… Continue reading UK Political Parties Ranked on Housing Priority.

Housing Politics is about who can deliver the least bad outcome.

We are in the housing mess we’re in for one reason bigger than all the others put together: Politics. NOTHING has a bigger impact on the housing market than politics. Nothing else comes close. Consider the shocking state of our housing industry, spiralling rents, mortgage payments and affordability nightmares. 100% of these situations are a… Continue reading Housing Politics is about who can deliver the least bad outcome.

What hope for housing?

The highly-deserved undoing of the Conservatives won’t be Labour. It will be their own shambolic incompetence. A government can only function well if the team running it actually behaves like a team, not like a bunch of posturing glory-seekers. There is a time for individual jostling in politics, a bit like transfer season. Maybe for… Continue reading What hope for housing?