The 4 Pillars of the Overvaluing House Price Pyramid.

1. 1990’s: Deliberate Overvaluing used as a new and effective tactic by certain agents, to grab market share, exploiting seller optimism bias. 2. 2000’s: Other agents, losing market share, were left with no choice but to copy, compounding the problem. 3. 2010’s” “Help to Buy”, QE, low interest rates and other stimulus artificially inflates pricing,… Continue reading The 4 Pillars of the Overvaluing House Price Pyramid.

Autumn asking prices of ‘sold’ homes drop 3.5% in 2 weeks

September 2023 BestAgent House Price Index (beta) by Charlie Lamdin Housing market’s weak pulse shows autumn improvement The number of homes showing as “sale agreed” across England jumped by nearly 8% to 62,695 during the middle two weeks of September, reflecting the post-summer holiday seasonal activity increase we’d normally expect. However, transaction numbers remain substantially… Continue reading Autumn asking prices of ‘sold’ homes drop 3.5% in 2 weeks

5 Fact Friday – 22nd Sept 2023

5FF 22 Sep 2023 Video commentary: July 2023 Land Registry HPI up 0.6% ONS rental prices up 5.5% year on year CPI inflation down 0.1% to 6.7% Boiler Ban Delayed 10 years Mortgage interest component of inflation up 60% Interest Rates: unchanged (yawn) August Retail Sales:

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Justified Housing Rage

When it comes to the state of the housing market, there are millions of very, very angry people. This justifiable anger leads to countless statements containing a phrase like “All [insert group] are scum.” There is no group of people of any kind anywhere in the world who are all the same. This inaccurate oversimplification… Continue reading Justified Housing Rage

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Prices up, Mortgages down? Five Fact Friday – 21 July 2023

1. Today: Times “Experts” House Price Forecasts range from 6.5% to -25% (Resolution Foundation) and -35% (some random bloke called Charlie) 2. Rightmove Reports Record Rising Rents (in Q2) but is this out of date? 3. But BestAgent reports All Homes Index reports average national asking rents in England and Wales begin falling… Continue reading Prices up, Mortgages down? Five Fact Friday – 21 July 2023

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Everyone’s Downsizing

Five Fact Friday 7th July: Downsizing. Here are 5 verifiable facts from this week’s housing news, hitting housing hardest.

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It’s 5 Fact Friday! Plus: Why are you so negative Charlie?

Here are the links to the 5 facts from today’s Five Fact Friday videos. 1. Halifax House Price Index turns negative: RICS: “Storm clouds gathering” 3. Nationwide, Halifax and HSBC raise rates/pull products Mail Online reports 22% asking price gap using Rightmove v BestAgent data. Moody’s (and Capital Economics) downgrades UK… Continue reading It’s 5 Fact Friday! Plus: Why are you so negative Charlie?

Thoughts on changes in 2023 UK Housing Market

Charlie and baby daughter Daphne

Sunday Evening Thoughts on UK Housing. I hope you’ve all had an enjoyable weekend in the sun. I’ve had a thought that I hope will help people on any side of the debate (or anyone thinking of moving who’s just confused) to understand what is happening. The term “house prices” is like the word “love”:… Continue reading Thoughts on changes in 2023 UK Housing Market