Vote Laxative!

The very concept of left and right wing politics is as outdated as the political system itself, and only serves those who would polarise us in line with the age-old (but still effective) “divide and conquer” strategy. I don’t think that politicians themselves are even aware that they operate within a defunct system that is,… Continue reading Vote Laxative!

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Festive Final Five Fact Friday of 2023

5FF 1 Dec 2023 Fact 1: Bank of England October Mortgage approvals up. (They couldn’t have got much lower). Zoopla Nov HPI. – 6 year supply high. £18,000 average discounts from asking price. Used car market crashing 4.2% in one month Government botches leasehold reform legislation. New legislation for property listings announced … Continue reading Festive Final Five Fact Friday of 2023

In defence of agents: Movers can be just as bad.

Jack Terry

“Buyers are liars.” It’s an old saying among some estate agents. Today’s video interview with south London estate agent Jack Terry, and in particular the reaction in the YT comments from some of the buyers watching, reminded me just how much people don’t understand the harsh realities of the process of selling a home. The… Continue reading In defence of agents: Movers can be just as bad.

No, Nationwide. That’s what got us into this mess.

please no not again

Nationwide Building Society begs for a government bailout for first time buyers and savers. 20 Nov 2023 NATIONWIDE CALLS FOR MORE SUPPORT FOR FIRST-TIME BUYERS AND SAVERS Nationwide wants greater government support [aka free money] for first-time buyers and savers ahead of the Chancellor’s Autumn Statement as rising costs delay owning a home and building… Continue reading No, Nationwide. That’s what got us into this mess.

5 Fact Friday 17 Nov 2023

5FF 17th Nov 2023 Job Vacancies fall for 16th straight month Headline Inflation drops to 4.7% but Owner Occupier Housing costs need watching. ONS September House Price Index – prices fall -0.5% monthly and show first annual fall in average UK price since 2012 ONS October Retail Sales fall -0.3% – We’re paying… Continue reading 5 Fact Friday 17 Nov 2023

2024 will bring about the end of estate agency as we know it, in a good way.

There’s one thing that’s not in dispute: A fall in transaction volumes is bad for everyone who needs or wants to move house. It’s also bad for the multi-layered industry that makes it’s living from these transactions. A painful but cathartic rebirth of the moving industry is underway. Whatever happens to house prices as 2024… Continue reading 2024 will bring about the end of estate agency as we know it, in a good way.

THE killer question to ask estate agents who want to sell your home

The hardest part of selling your home is choosing an agent. Do not just pick three, that’s a fatal mistake. Talk to as many as you can, until you are certain you’ve got an outstanding agent. What NOT to ask Do NOT ask: “How much do you think my home is worth?” Do NOT ask:… Continue reading THE killer question to ask estate agents who want to sell your home

5 Fact Friday 10 Nov 2023 Mortgage Arrears jump 7% in Q3 2023

Halifax confirms it expects house prices to continue falling until 2025, despite the one month rise in it’s average house price index RICS survey for October shows buyer demand and sales activity in ‘deeply negative territory’ MHWC provides mathematical proof that house prices go down when the ‘average’ price goes up RICS… Continue reading 5 Fact Friday 10 Nov 2023 Mortgage Arrears jump 7% in Q3 2023

Are house prices falling or not?

5FF – 3rd Nov 2023 Mortgage approvals fall to lowest level since 2011 Zoopla says house prices falling in 80% of local housing markets Leasehold Reform to be in King’s Speech Nationwide October HPI says monthly prices rose (but that’s misleading) Discrepancy in Land Reg Indices v Raw Average

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