Impartial wisdom on moving home
In Charlie Lamdin’s videos he shares the wisdom of 22 years working with agents: Dos, don’ts, and how tos. You’ll learn all the tips and tricks to get you the results you need from agents when moving.
Don’t move, until you’ve checked them out.
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Moving home with Charlie
I always recommend carefully choosing your mortgage broker, conveyancer and having search packs ready. If you haven’t got time to look for all these yourself, I’ve got your back
I’ve teamed up with trusted mortgage and conveyancing firms who I think are the best at what they do. I picked these guys based on their reputation, quality of services and reliability. Pop your details in the quick and easy form and they’ll contact you for a preliminary discussion and to give you a quote.
Speak to Charlie’s hand-picked mortgage brokers
Get personalised mortgage advice and see what you could be paying.
Speak to Charlie’s trusted conveyancers
Our conveyancer can guide you through the process of buying & selling your home.
Get ahead by ordering your search packs direct
We offer property search packs through our trusted supplier for only £330.
Looking for help with all of these things?
Get your ducks in a row with Charlie’s all-in-one package.
Moving can be overwhelming and there’s a lot of things to get in order. One quick form to send your details to the right people for mortgage brokers, conveyancing and search pack requests.

Book a personal one to one video call with Charlie
Hop on a video call with me where I’ll spend an hour with you to talk through your moving plans and help you work out what you need to do.
Purchase your property search pack for £330
Double your chances of completing by having your search pack ready.
Have you had your offer accepted on a property or are almost there? Make sure you’re organised and get ahead by purchasing your search packs as soon as you can to help speed up the process. We offer search packs through our trusted supplier for only £330.
Brain Dump: Flats are dead. Next Week's Budget. Eat the Rich?
All my links: https://linktr.ee/movinghomewithcharlie
For the full video on how to choose the best estate or letting agent:
4 Golden Rules Video
4 Golden Rules Blog
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To find out everything you need to know about moving home go to:
How estate and lettings agents move people
https://bestagent.co.uk/diagram-how-lettings-and-estate-agents-move-people/[+] Show More

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